It's been a busy few months here at Showcase Productions, and I apologize for not making more frequent postings to our blog. We're gearing up for another great show season, starting with the Richmond Bridal Showcase on January 11.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Friday, August 15, 2008
Photos from Richmond Show

Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New Promotion for Washington Shows
We are thrilled to announce a brand new promotion for our Washington area shows. Starting next week, an easel display that promotes our shows will be displayed in every Mattress Warehouse location in the area (that's 150+ stores!) Plus, we will be giving away free tickets to the show through these stores. This is just one of the new things we have in store for our upcoming shows. Stay tuned!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Monday, August 4, 2008
Richmond Show Sets a Record!
The first show of our fall season was yesterday at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. In 2007, our August show set a record by a wide margin, and we were hoping to at least come close to matching that number this year. I am pleased to report that we had a 20 percent attendance increase over last year's record! The show looked great, and there were a lot of smiling exhibitors. We hope to continue this attendance trend over our upcoming shows in Baltimore and Washington. Thanks to everyone who made this show an overwhelming success!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Fall Show Season Begins
We kick off our next show season with the Richmond Bridal Showcase on August 3rd at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. We have a record number of exhibitors in this show and, based on advance ticket sales, we expect a great turnout. We have a couple of surprises in store for our exhibitors at this show and will share them with you next week. This show is always a good barometer for our other shows in August and September, so I'll keep you posted on the end result!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Fall Shows are Almost Here!
Our next bridal show season is just around the corner. We kick things off in Richmond on August 3 and then in Baltimore on August 17. Our Washington areas shows take place on September 7 at Dulles Expo, September 14 in Bethesda and September 21 in Greenbelt.
In spite of the uneasiness in the economy, exhibit space in our shows is selling better than ever. Our shows remain one of the most cost-effective and time-efficient ways to promote a business to brides, so even businesses who are cutting back on their marketing are still participating in our shows.
Our Baltimore show is now sold out but space remains in our other four shows. If you need information on exhibit space, please contact me at (703) 425-1127 or by email at
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
I hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend. I wanted to share with you an original song by GAZZE, a great band in the Baltimore area ( The song is a reminder of the true meaning of the holiday. Enjoy!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Valuable Information Resources
There are a number of great information resources available to you that pertain to marketing to brides. I have found those listed below to be especially helpful and recommend that you visit them (links are provided).
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Marc attends the annual conference of Bridal Show Producers International
I just returned from the 2008 conference of Bridal Show Producers International, the trade association for the bridal show industry. This year, the conference was held in Denver where I got to experience 78 degree temperatures one day and snow the next. While there, I also attended a baseball game at Coors Field, which is a nice ballpark. Denver is a great city!
As a member of the board, we go in early to meet and prepare for the conference, so it always means a long week. But, I wouldn't miss it for anything! The conference is always an opportunity to get new ideas, find new resources and renew friendships. Many of the things that you see in our shows were inspired by ideas that I discovered at the conference. But, we also have some fun, as evidenced by the next posting ...
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
The Annual BIS-PEE Awards
This year at the annual conference of Bridal Show Producers International, the BSPI Star Awards were unveiled for the first time. Thanks to Matthew Trettel for developing and implementing this new award program. Not to be outdone, I think that some other awards are in order and would like to announce the winners of the unofficial 2008 BIS-PEE Awards.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Saturday, April 19, 2008
It's not too early to register for the Fall shows!
Although our August and September shows are a ways off, it's not too early to register. Our shows are now open to new exhibitors and we have some great booth locations available. By registering now, you will have plenty of choices. Wait, and you will have to settle for what's left as the shows fill up.
Our recent shows have been among our largest ever. We've added some exciting new elements to the show and have discovered some new promotion methods. While other bridal shows come and go, our shows continue to enjoy success year after year.
Luckily, weddings are a recession-proof business. Couples will always get married, and they will always spend money on their weddings. The question is: Will they spend with you? Many businesses will use "the economy" as a reason to cut back on their advertising, and this presents a great opportunity for those who to continue their promotion efforts. Our shows continue the most cost-effective and time-efficient way to reach prospective brides.
To receive our detailed exhibitor kit, please click here to visit our web site or call us at (703) 425-1127.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Knot Unveils Wedding Survey Results
The Knot recently surveyed more than 20,000 recently married couples across the United States. Among the data found in the survey:
• The average wedding budget is $32,660, including honeymoon
• The top areas of spending are the reception (45%), honeymoon (15%), entertainment (15%) and photography (10%)
• The average wedding planning period is 11 months
• 36% of grooms are "very involved" in the planning and 57% are "somewhat involved"
• On average, couples spent 8% more photography, 17% more on their reception, 18% more on their entertainment and 35% more on their wedding cake when compared with last year.
The complete details of the survey can be found in The Knot Best of Weddings magazine. Click here for an outline of the survey results.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
If you REALLY want it, I'll drop my price!
In this week's Sales Caffeine e-zine, Jeffrey Gitomer discusses the process of closing a sale when a prospective customer asks "How much is it?" Jeffrey calls this question the second biggest buying signal after "I'll take it!" Click here to read the entire article.
I agree with Jeffrey that the "How Much" question is a buying signal, but will also suggest that it is a question that is asked when a customer does not know what else to ask. This is often the case when selling to a bride. She wants what you sell, she needs what you sell, but she has never bought what you sell. Don't assume that the "How Much" question is a sign that the bride is shopping on price alone.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Monday, March 31, 2008
Baseball Season is Here!
I had the pleasure of attending the opening day of the new Washington Nationals ballpark yesterday. I've had season tickets since their move to Washington and have attended many, many games. The new ballpark is great, with an HD screen that is 4000 square feet! While RFK had a vintage charm, the new ballpark is shiny and new.
The predictions of crowds, lines and parking problems were unfounded. We purchased a parking pass with our tickets and have a space just two blocks from the stadium, and the best part is that after the game it takes all of one minute to get back on I-395 from the parking lot. In seasons past, it was next to impossible to get food or drinks during the first couple of weeks of the season, at least without missing a couple innings. The new ballpark has many more concession stands and the lines were minimal, even with the sellout opening day crowd.
Of course, the highlight of the game was the incredible home run that Ryan Zimmerman hit in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the game (see picture). The Nats were ahead for most of the game, but the Braves tied it up in the top of the ninth. Just when it looked like we were going into extra innings (not a great prospect as it was COLD!) Ryan hit the home run to end the game with a 3-2 win.
I encourage all of you to take an evening to visit this new "Washington Monument".
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wedding Marketing Webinar
The Knot recently conducted a one-hour web seminar that covered a variety of topics related to wedding marketing. The seminar is arranged in a Q & A format, with questions submitted by wedding vendors. For a limited time, you can listen to this webinar by clicking here. I recommend it as time well spent!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Great Newsletter ... FREE!
Jeffrey Gitomer is a well-known sales trainer and author. I have read his columns for years in the Baltimore Business Journal and recently subscribed to Sales Caffeine, his email newsletter. It's a quick read but always full of valuable information for improving your sales efforts. You can subscribe to this free email newsletter by clicking here.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Speak to the Press? "No Comment"
I was recently interviewed by a reporter writing an article for the Wall Street Journal. When I first got the call, I was excited at the prospects of being quoted in the leading business newspaper in the country. The story was about a retailer that used to be a division of a larger company, but was purchased by an investment group a year ago. The article concerned the changes to this company since the ownership change.
I spent nearly an hour with the reporter and answered his many questions. I gave a very positive review of the company as well as my opinion on a number of changes that have taken place over the year. Imagine my surprise when I saw the article and found a quote attributed to me that was nothing close to what I said in the interview. I had told the reporter that the retailer's recent introduction of some higher-priced merchandise would attract brides who might not shop there otherwise. Somewhere out of that exchange the quote turned into "there are brides who wouldn't be caught dead [shopping at] ..."
I was furious and contacted the reporter immediately. He admitted that he, in his words, "sharpened the quote" to make a better story. I can't believe that a newspaper of the caliber of the Wall Street Journal would condone such journalistic tactics. This blunder might very well cost our company one of its largest clients. My advice to you is that the best answer to give a reporter is "NO COMMENT".
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Friday, March 7, 2008
Macy's Bridal Event
Last night, my friends at WeddingWire invited me to attend a great event at Macy's Tysons Corner. The special guests at this event were Darcy Miller, Editorial Director of Martha Stewart Weddings and author of The Bride’s Guide blog, and Wendy Kromer, co-author of Martha Stewart Wedding Cake. The standing room only crowd got to hear great presentations by Darcy and Wendy.
In the picture, you will see Wendy and Darcy in the middle. I'm the one in the gray jacket, and the rest of this fine looking group are members of the WeddingWire team.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Marc speaks to the Association of Wedding Professionals
On February 26, I had the pleasure of presenting the "Secrets of Selling to Brides" to the Association of Wedding Professionals. It has been a while since I have attended an AWP meeting and it was nice to reconnect with the long-time members and meet many of the new ones. Once upon a time, I served on the AWP board as treasurer and president. Thanks to Carol Rose, the AWP program chair, for inviting me, and thanks to Larry Glatt for the photograph.
For those of you who are not familiar with AWP, it is a networking organization made up of wedding professionals throughout the Washington area. They have monthly networking meetings that usually include a guest speaker. For information on AWP, click here to visit their web site. (Photo by Larry Glatt).
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What to do with all those leads?
So you've received the bride list from the show ... what do you do with all those leads? Email is quick and free, but much of what you send will get caught by spam filters. Direct mail can be an effective and inexpensive method for contacting prospective customers, and it works!
Luckily, getting a high-quality mailing piece can be quick and easy. It's not often that I get excited about a printing company, but I like PostcardMania so much that I want to recommend them to you. We've used them for many printing jobs, including postcards for brides and brochures for potential exhibitors.
PostcardMania offers design, printing and mailing services, and they can take your project from concept to mailbox. They have competitive pricing, fast turnaround and exceptional customer service. To receive their information kit, visit their web site at or call 1-800-628-1804.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Congratulations to our Friends at WeddingWire!
WeddingWire, a wedding planning web site, was launched in late 2006 and has been extensively promoted through our shows. WeddingWire brings a fresh approach to online wedding planning and over the past year they have added many new features to their site and traffic to their site has grown dramatically.
This morning, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia announced that it has purchased 40 percent of WeddingWire and will be integrating the WeddingWire planning tools on the Martha Stewart website. To read the entire story, click here to read the press release.
Congratulations to Tim, Sonny, Lee, Jeff and the rest of the WeddingWire team. What a great announcement!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Monday, February 4, 2008
The end of another show season!
We wrapped up our winter show season this past weekend with our two day show at the Baltimore Convention Center. Our attendance was up from last year and we had a very strong flow of attendees over the two days.
A special thank you goes out to all of the exhibitors! Move-in went more smoothly than ever as nearly everyone arrived early. There were very few stressed-out exhibitors moving in at the last minute, and this helped to get the show off to a good start.
This show wraps up our 14th winter season. We'll take a breather for a few days and then focus on our next show which is April 27th at the Patriot Center. This show was very successful last spring and more than half of the exhibit space has already been sold.
Thanks to everyone for contributing to the success of our shows!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Friday, February 1, 2008
Just one thing to say ...
If all of this rain were snow, I think that we would have our first-ever snowed out show in Baltimore. Doesn't one inch of rain equals a foot of snow, or something like that? Well, here in Fairfax it has been pouring all day. Luckily, the rain will be out of here today and the weather for Saturday and Sunday looks great! Bad weather is always a concern for our January and February shows, but we made it through the entire season without even a threat of the white stuff.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Another Great Show!
We wrapped up our Washington season yesterday with our show at the Dulles Expo Center. Attendance, while not a record, was very strong and larger than last year. The aisles and the parking lot were crowded all day (we'll work on that parking lot next time). Overall it was a very smooth running show and exhibitors seemed to be very pleased with the new venue.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Monday, January 21, 2008
A Great Season Thus Far!
Our Washington areas shows are off to a great start! On January 13th we were at Martin's Crosswinds in Greenbelt, and this was our largest show there since 2004. On January 20th we were at the Bethesda North Marriott. Attendance at that show was even with last year, which is a great achievement since our primary competitor held their show on the same day just a few miles away. Having competing shows on the same day is never a good thing, but I'm glad that the brides chose to come to our show instead of venturing downtown. We even had brides who went to the other show, stayed only a little while, and then joined us at the better show :-)
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Friday, January 18, 2008
27 Dresses - Movie Promotion
Every year, there seems to be another wedding-themed movie. Unfortunately, the timing usually isn't right for a cross-promotion, but this year we hit the jackpot! The movie 27 Dresses just opened, and right in the middle of our show season. Our friends at Mix 107.3 have a special screening of the movie this week and all attendees of the screening will receive free passes to our show. Plus, we'll be giving away lots of 27 Dresses prizes and promotional items at our shows. Who knows, maybe the DVD will be out in time to give away at our Fall shows.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Thursday, January 17, 2008
What if it snows?
As I sit here watching it snow (if I never saw snow again in my life I would be happy), I thought that it might be a good time to discuss what happens in the event of bad weather on the day of a show. If the weather is bad, we really have two choices, and neither is perfect. We can go forward with the show and hope that the attendance is not impacted greatly, or we can postpone the show knowing that we will lose a lot of advertising momentum. Every show involves a lot of preparation and investment by both show management and by the exhibitors, so it's a decision that we take very seriously!
Luckily, we have insurance that covers us and protects your investment in your booth space. Over the years (and 150 shows), we've only had 3 shows impacted by weather. The only show that we ever canceled was not because of snow, it was because of Hurricane Isabel that knocked out the power to our show location. It was impossible to reschedule that show and our exhibitors received a full refund. Prior to that, we had a case where it snowed in the middle of the day and this resulted in a 40% attendance drop. The brides who braved the weather were very serious buyers, so the exhibitors still had a productive show. Even so, we produced another show a few weeks later that was free for exhibitors. In the third case, we had a smaller decrease in attendance and everyone received a credit toward a future show. This insurance gives us options while at the same time protecting your investment.
If bad weather occurs (with "occur" being the key word, as we don't base decisions on forecasts) we will keep you posted on the status and let you know as soon as a decision has been made. You can check our web site, call our voice mail or watch your email. It's unlikely that we would make a decision any earlier than the evening before the show, and perhaps not until the morning of. If you're thinking about calling us two or three days before with a "what if" question, consider holding that thought!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Monday, January 7, 2008
One Down (Actually, One UP!)
The first show of our winter show season was yesterday (January 6th) at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. With nearly 3000 attendees and more than 1000 brides, this was our largest show ever in Richmond, and an attendance increase of 20% over last year. It is always rewarding to see brides lined up three or four deep at every booth, and the resulting smiles on the faces of our exhibitors. What a great way to kick off the season!
Posted by
Marc McIntosh
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Year's Resolutions?
It's the time of year where we all make resolutions. Normally, I don't use this blog to stray into personal things, but I wanted to share something with you in case one of your resolutions for 2008 involves your finances. A few years ago, I came to realize that while I was pretty good at making money, I was pretty clueless when it came to investing it. I started working with Dave Spence, a financial planner with LPL, and he has steered me into good investments and helped me save on taxes.
Posted by
Marc McIntosh